Confident Childbirth
Congratulations on your pregnancy and on finding Confident Childbirth because with this method of hypnobirthing it’s possible to have a relaxed pregnancy, a positive childbirth and have a more calm and contented baby.
Confident Childbirth is a modern flexible approach using self-hypnosis and NLP and can be tailored especially to your needs to enable you to be emotionally, mentally and physically prepared for the birth, so you can feel more relaxed and enjoy your pregnancy and childbirth experience.
One-to-one personalised hypnobirthing sessions mean that if you have any specific fears, worries or trauma from earlier pregnancies or childbirth we can address these fully.
Confident Childbirth is uniquely flexible and respectful of your needs and wishes so we can guide you towards achieving the birth experience that’s uniquely right for you.
My aim is for you to have the most calm, comfortable childbirth experience that is possible, no matter how the delivery proceeds.
You’ll benefit from having personalised hypnosis mp3 recordings to listen to between sessions to relax yourself and increase your confidence.

The Benefits of Confident Childbirth Hypnobirthing

Eliminate or greatly reduce any worry, fear or anxiety about childbirth
Acquire joy, confidence and anticipation as you think more positively about your new baby
Learn self-hypnosis to ease discomfort or pain and help sleep
Reduce morning sickness
Form calm, clarity and feelings of contentment throughout pregnancy
Use gentle techniques to keep your muscles relaxed so that your body can deliver your baby more easily, significantly reducing any pain or discomfort
Can turn breech babies
Less pain or discomfort reduces the need for pain relief which lowers potential risks for both mother and baby
Master good confidence skills to communicate with medical staff and have more control and be more involved in decisions
Less risk of Caesarean section, ventouse or forceps delivery
Higher Apgar score for your baby (measurement of wellbeing immediately after birth)
Many mothers report that their babies are more calm and feed and sleep better
Quicker postnatal recovery - shorter hospital stay
Improved breastfeeding
Be a more confident parent
Reduced risk of postnatal depression

The skills that you learn from confident childbirth hypnobirthing can also help you relax while breastfeeding, help you with getting back to sleep after night feeds and be a more confident new parent.
During the Sessions, You’ll Learn

How to let go of fears, worries and anxieties
Self-hypnosis to feel calm and relaxed, quickly
Visualisations to help with delivery and labour
How to communicate positively with your medical staff
Several easily achievable pain control techniques which will
increase your birthing options and can increase your choices
around whether you choose pain relief medication or not.

Client Feeback
What did you wish to achieve through Confident Childbirth?
It was really important to me to have a calm labour where I felt focused, in control and not to have to use pain relief nor have medical interventions. I wanted to be able to reflect on an enjoyable and positive experience. I also wanted to have a quick a labour as possible have a water birth.
To what extent have those goals been met?
All my goals and wishes were 100% met through my experience of Confident Childbirth. I almost couldn’t believe how effective all of the techniques Laurie taught me were. I immediately went into the ‘zone’ once the latent stage started (and felt content, calm and relaxed through watching a comedy DVD) – so much so, I didn’t tell anybody around me and I didn’t tell them until I was experiencing very intense contractions! I had a very quick labour which meant parts of it were very intense but every time I started to feel a sense of being overwhelmed creeping in; everything I had learnt came back to me and I was able to remained focused and let my body take over.
Did you use chemical pain relief?
Was there any medical intervention?
In what way did Confident Childbirth make a difference to your experience of childbirth?
It has honestly been a life-changing experience for me. The euphoria and sense of empowerment I felt after the birth made me feel so confident that I could tackle anything in my life. The moment when I pushed my baby out, picked her up from the bottom of the birthing pool and first held my baby in my arms is still so vivid and is indescribable in terms of the joy that memory brings to myself and my husband and I know this is directly attributable to my hypnobirthing. I feel so fortunate to have this memory and experience to reflect on as I know the majority of women seem to be fairly traumatized by their experience of childbirth. XXXXXXXX is a very happy and calm baby and I believe this is down to her having such a calm and relaxed entrance into the world.
In what way did it make a difference to your experience in the lead-up to the birth?
It meant that I felt excited and safe in the knowledge that I had prepared and worked hard to ensure my birthing experience would be a positive one. I also enjoyed the periods of calm when I was practicing and I had an easy pregnancy. It also complimented the Daisy birthing antenatal classes that I was attending that focused on yoga, relaxation and breathing techniques. The strongest sense of confidence came from Laurie’s constant reassurance that I had prepared and that my body was built to naturally birth my baby.
What difference has it made to your experience of new motherhood?
I love breastfeeding and fortunately had no problems with it. Again, I attribute this to HB. Whilst I have experienced the usual raging hormones and fairly intense anxiety at times; I on occasion listened to the MP3s again to help me relax and nap during the day. They always helped and again were a lovely reminder of the journey I took to bring my baby so calmly into the world.
Is there anything that would have made confident childbirth a more positive experience for you?
No, I just cannot recommend Laurie and Confident Childbirth more highly.
Would you recommend confident childbirth to others?
If you could rate your experience of childbirth on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1=entirely negative and 10=entirely positive, how would you rate it?
What did you wish to achieve through Confident Childbirth?
I wanted to achieve a natural home birth with little or no pain relief.
To what extent have those goals been met?
Completely! I achieved all the goals I was aiming for, a natural home birth with no pain relief at all.
Did you use chemical pain relief?
Was there any medical intervention? No
In what way did Confident Childbirth make a difference to your experience of childbirth?
I was calm, confident and in control. My labour and birth experience was extremely positive.
In what way did it make a difference to your experience in the lead-up to the birth?
Instead of feeling nervous about the birth I was calm and in fact even excited about it.
What difference has it made to your experience of new motherhood?
It allowed me to have the natural, intervention free home birth I really wanted. My recovery time was incredibly short which I put down to the calm nature of my labour and birth expreience and the fact I had and required no intervention. This allowed me to focus solely on my new son and to enjoy those first few days to the full. I was also able to use some of the techniques to help me relax and ease into breastfeeding far more easily than I was able to with my first child.
Is there anything that would have made confident childbirth a more positive experience for you?
Would you recommend confident childbirth to others?
If you could rate your experience of childbirth on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1= entirely negative and 10 = entirely positive, how would you rate it?
In this interesting video, Dr. Michael Mosley demonstrates how hypnosis can help with pain relief.