What They're Saying

“This has to be one of the most worthwhile experiences of my life! My head is so much more peaceful, I feel confident in my skills and calmer and lighter inside. I don’t know if I’d feel the same if I’d had the same sessions with another therapist, I think so much of it was down to Laurie's approach, words and understanding. Just a big thank you to Laurie for all her help!
When I came to see her I really felt like a lost cause and was sick of always reacting in the same way to stressful situations. I can’t believe the changes I have experienced. I feel so much more positive, calm, confident and capable of dealing with situations.”
AC London

“Laurie’s warm and friendly demeanour immediately puts you at ease and I’m so glad I chose Laurie as my hypnotherapist. Mentally, I was in a bad way due to how my medical condition affected my mental health and I honestly didn’t know how to get myself out of it.
Not only did she provide structured sessions that really focused on the problems I had, she also did her homework in terms of understanding my condition and working with that – which really helped. I have come on in leaps and bounds since. My confidence has improved greatly and I’m already seeing the benefit in all areas of my life such as work, making friends and generally being a happier and more engaged person with life! It really does work!”
Moorgate London

“To think how far I have come since my first session is honestly amazing. I really feel like a different person and, without wanting to sound cheesy, like I have got my sparkle back!
F.G. Online

“I was hesitant to pay for therapy when I had comprehensive private healthcare – but after searching for the right fit and approach I gave up and decided to try something different. What I wanted was for someone to see me, to hear me, and to take a good look under the surface and dissect experiences that had affected me throughout my life. The therapy delivered on this aspect and though an emotional journey it was worth the time and effort and money. The impact it had was to pull me out of a dark place into a place of possibility, and see the joy in things again, and recognise that there was more in my control than I realised. Would I say it was life changing? It certainly feels that way.”
N.D. Online

“Laurie is amazing I am so grateful for all her support. The hypnotherapy really helped me to put things to rest and move forward with my life which is priceless… I cannot recommend Laurie enough.”
HLD Moorgate London

"It feels like a gift from the Universe that Laurie came into my life. I will use, treasure and pass on the tools she has given me. Laurie feels like a companion who brings a great blissful, safe, warm energy into the room in our sessions."
D Godalming Surrey

“It was incredible, transformative
I wish I had found Laurie years ago."
E.M. Online

“Hypnotherapy with Laurie has been a deeper and far more powerful process than I imagined. Having explored a wide range of healing modalities over the years, I can safely say that this has been one of the most effective. Each session was more helpful than several talk therapy sessions. Not only is my initial issue much better, but I've also gained real insight & healing around underlying issues. Laurie is a highly skilled healer and brings a wide range of techniques to her approach.
Many thanks Laurie :)"
A.M. Milford

“After trying multiple other avenues for help, including psychodynamic therapy, CBT and even some psychiatry, this is the first therapy that has actually helped me to change my habits and maintain those changes. I have maintained a healthy lifestyle now for 2 months, and have begun to see the rewards, having lost 4kg of weight over that timeframe.”
AN Moorgate London

"Anxiety has been a major obstacle in so many areas of my life since I was very young. I was depressed and my physical health had been compromised because I just didn’t look after myself properly. To think that was only 3 months ago seems entirely crazy, because it’s as though nearly everything has changed since then. I like to joke now that I feel as though I’ve been tranquillised because I’m ridiculously calm all the time! Seeing Laurie has made so many things seem possible; I’ve never looked at my life with so much clarity and positivity."
JW Godalming Surrey

“I don’t know why I waited so long before seeking help of this kind. After the work Laurie and I did together, I feel better equipped to deal with conflict and anxiety and am looking forward to the future rather than dreading it.”
SH Godalming Surrey

"Really so grateful I found Laurie, the Cognitive Hypnotherapy was exactly the right therapy for me. I found sessions incredibly helpful and Laurie so supportive and understanding.
The therapy really worked to help my anxiety about a variety of issues. I am more relaxed, less worried, have better perspective and skills to help myself."
VB Guildford Surrey

"Laurie helped me with so much more than I asked her for. The sessions have had a life changing impact thus far and I cannot rate Laurie any higher than I do. I am very grateful to have been able to work with her. The sessions exceeded my expectations, they touched on greater issues I was dealing with and in turn helped me to work on resolving the issue I sought help with.
EL Surrey

"Laurie has such a lovely manner and approach that it was easy to feel confidence in the approach she uses. One of the things we worked on was my fear of flying. Laurie did some work with me on this and gave me an exercise to do – I took 2 flights that were honestly the best flights I have had in my life. I almost enjoyed the experience. And this from someone who literally thinks every time they fly they will die in a ball of flames.
A miracle!!!!"
JS Godalming Surrey

"Laurie was professional and made me feel totally at ease from the moment I walked in. She got to the core of my issues and helped me to understand not just how to manage them but why they were happening too. Each session was really thought through to best help me with tips and tasks to do at home to continue my healing. I will definitely be recommending her to friends."
R.L. Godalming

“I cannot speak highly enough about my work with Laurie. In just a short time, she managed to touch on the issues that were causing me problems with my confidence. Together we worked on resolving the issues that were clearly affecting my life – these were often small and seemingly minor issues that had affected me in childhood and had been left unresolved. After completing my course with Laurie, I felt an overwhelming feeling of relief in letting go of issues that were just not relevant to my life anymore. The sessions have definitely left me more confident and relaxed – in short, I feel back to my old self! Laurie’s approach is friendly, relaxed and non-intrusive.”
C.H. Farnham Surrey

“Laurie Harvey has an exceptional approach to her clients, which is both caring, understanding and specific to your needs. She expects 100% effort from you and I feel gives 200% in return. She is well educated and professional. I have suffered from serious problems since I was 13 plus and suffered from self harm, depression and anxiety and what the Drs termed as nervous breakdowns several times. Laurie does not attach labels to you, and looks at the problems. I had 3 sessions with Laurie over several weeks and I felt ready to face the world. I will not hesitate to go for a top up or if I faced a challenge that I felt needed instant assistance as I feel after all these years I have someone I can now trust.”
S.R. Godalming

“Laurie is such a kind and caring woman. When I rang her to speak about booking the appointment she really re-assured me and made me feel so comfortable. She did an example of a session on the phone and I was instantly shocked at how someone so calm can make you feel a change within a matter of minutes. Laurie has massively helped me by listening to my needs and concerns! The sessions were amazing, I would go in feeling a little shy but at the end of the session I felt incredible. Overall I am so happy with the service I received. Laurie is a lovely lady who has really helped me build my confidence and feel good about maths again. I would highly recommended this fantastic service.”
E.G. Godalming Surrey

"I am grateful to Laurie, for her very genuine, gentle and sensitive approach to me, especially at first. I was able to talk about feelings and events, quite quickly, which I haven’t been able to before. I have quite quickly, noticed changes in my own happiness, energy levels and although I considered myself a positive person beforehand, it feels more real now and I feel different in a really great way."

"I would like to say thank you to Laurie . This time has been so valuable and has given me a great outlook on life. I now have great coping strategies with my worry and anxiety and I also feel like I’m better equipped to deal with problems. Thank you so much!"
A.H. Godalming Surrey

“To me, Laurie represented a fresh gateway to healing… Though I was quite daunted by what was to come, Laurie’s warmth and calm support strengthened me to eagerly step through to the next stage of life, freeing myself of burdens I’d carried for more than 20 years (in far fewer sessions than I’d envisioned, actually)!
I absolutely recommend Laurie… If you want to alter your perspective/change something in your life and you’re ready & willing to make the effort, she’s the lady to guide your hand and lead the way! Laurie, I can’t thank you enough!"
J.K. Godalming

“Laurie is always so relaxed, understanding and nonjudgmental. Really supports and helps when needed.”
L.B. Godalming

“I immediately felt comfortable with Laurie. She is warm, friendly and non-judgemental. The experience of the sessions was very non-threatening, not distressing or upsetting at all. I felt safe and comforted. And most importantly, it worked!”
W.L. Moorgate London

“Working with Laurie has made a real positive difference. The approach she takes is calming and supportive. I was not sure what to expect, all I knew was that I needed help with confidence in social situations, and that nothing else had worked. Laurie helped me to understand the emotional issues that had prevented me from feeling comfortable in these situations, and to let go of them. Since our sessions I have not only felt different, I have been able to act differently too.“
“My sessions with Laurie helped me understand and deal with a problem I had been struggling with for a long time. Laurie made me feel comfortable and at ease to talk in a non-judgmental environment, and I always went away from a session feeling so much more positive about everything.”
L.A. Surrey

“Laurie has really helped me to cope with everyday life. She has helped me to get to the bottom of unconscious thought processes and learn to deal with work and personal matters. I initially came to see Laurie because I felt I needed help with stress, but also was helped with things surrounding that like confidence and worrying.
I feel much better equipped as a result and highly recommend her practice.”
Anon Moorgate London

“I came to see Laurie to work on relationship and self-worth issues. What I appreciated most about her approach was that she did not tell me what to think from her point of view, but rather encouraged me to tap into my own innate wisdom to find the best advice and course of action. I found this really transformational.”
N.O. Moorgate

“I cannot think of anyone better to have guided and supported me when I was at such a low ebb and cannot praise Laurie enough for her help and support on my journey back to feeling strong and positive again in my life. She mixes true professionalism and knowledge with unique insight, kindness and a non-judgmental approach and I was amazed at how she so rapidly changed my way of thinking and provided me with the tools I needed to substantially improve my life. Not only does Laurie really know what she’s doing but, above all, she really cares and goes the extra mile such as personalised MP3 recordings.
I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Laurie – and in fact already have. Thank you Laurie, a true friend and fantastic professional.”
S.R. Godalming

“I had never suffered from panic attacks before so I was so anxious and worried about why they were happening and when they would happen. I was struggling to get out of my house. The doctor gave me tablets which did help a bit but I couldn’t help but worry about it happening again as I didn’t understand what was causing it. Someone suggested the only way to get through this would be to see a cognitive behavioural therapist. I was a bit sceptical. Laurie was fantastic! Having someone to listen to how I was feeling and to explain to me why I was feeling this way. She give me tools to stop feeling so anxious. I feel now able to control my anxious feelings using the tools she has given me & I feel great again.”
N.O. Godalming

“I went to see Laurie Harvey because I was having panic attacks. I had seen someone about these before but I was still getting them and I was becoming desperate. When I went to see Laurie she was very patient and understanding and I felt completely relaxed with her. She helped me to understand, why I was feeling the way I was and, after a few visits, I realised that I was getting fewer panic attacks and was feeling much happier and more able to cope with everyday things, which I had been struggling with before.”
S.L. Westminster London

“Hi Laurie, I thought I would give you an update as you had such an influence on me and my change of direction last year (in fact you changed my whole outlook on life). Through the confidence you gave me back in myself, I have met the most wonderful lady and we spend lots of time together (not living together – but that may come in a year or so) – but through your help, I now look forward to every day and am enjoying life like I haven’t for years, so thank you very much Laurie, and I hope all is well with you.”
R. Surrey

"Before I went to see Laurie, I used to get really stressed and worried about my exams. Every time I had an exam coming up I would freak out and get myself flustered which probably made my performance in exams worse. I would work myself up into a blind panic so upon actually entering the exam, I would go blank and completely forget what I was supposed to be doing.
Laurie really helped me. She taught me techniques to calm myself down before each exam and in the weeks leading up to it. I would enter my own little bubble before entering an exam and if at any point I became stressed, because of this I was able to access that calm place that helped me to continue in the exam.
Now before an exam, when I’m waiting to go go into the school hall, instead of worrying and nervously tapping my feet, I make sure I take deep breaths and I use the techniques Laurie taught me to get myself into a calm place so I am prepared for the exam."
O.P. London

“After suffering from severe IBS for many years, I decided to try Hypnotherapy. Through working with Laurie I dealt with a lot of underlying issues that were actually a major contributory factor to my IBS. Although I was already aware of was these issues, I was unable to deal with them effectively and move on until talking them through and having the hypnotherapy. I was sceptical that hypnotherapy would work for me as I had tried many other therapies which had failed. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. My IBS has improved significantly, I have changed the way I think and perceive things, I am much more relaxed, positive and most importantly happy! Laurie is very sympathetic, insightful, non-judgemental and a very good hypnotherapist! I would recommend her highly.“
Y.K. Surrey

"I had the good fortune to discover Laurie and be intrigued by the term ‘cognitive hypnotherapist’ Having spent many years seeing various therapists and counsellors this was a new one on me. I was in a place where I knew I had a little bit more work to do before I felt I had reached the core of myself and the reasons I still had issues with eating and weight gain. What a joy it has been working with Laurie. Her training, knowledge, professionalism and obvious love and respect for her chosen career and her clients shines through. Her full support throughout has been immense and actively encouraged. She has proved a tower of strength through a couple of very wobbly and emotional times. We have finished our work together now and she still freely offers her availability for support in any way should I need it and to keep in touch, which I will. I highly recommend Laurie and encourage anyone to seek her out to help enable personal growth in their lives in whatever way they need. She is a great companion to have on these travels."
M.F. Cranleigh

“I found Laurie to be very understanding and endearing. I never felt like I was being judged. I could be myself and could really open up without the worry of embarrassment or fear. I have found that in just 3 sessions my whole way of thinking has changed dramatically and Laurie has made me believe that with hard work and the excellent tools she has provided I will get better. I couldnt have asked for a kinder person to share my worries with, and whenever I feel like I need a boost, I will definitely visit Laurie again!”
N.W. Godalming

“I wasn’t sure what to expect at our first session, but you instantly put me at ease, and asked me questions that were really thought-provoking and sometimes challenging (in a good way!) and I was immediately confident that this was exactly what I had been looking for. Some changes I noticed right away, like preferring a tangerine to a bar of chocolate (previously unthinkable!), sometimes there was a ‘resistence’ between sessions, but you showed me that was an indicator of deep rooted changes taking place and I am glad to have been through every moment of it. I really like the personalised MP3 you made specifically for me, which builds on the sessions, I still listen to it several months on. Its been such a powerful experience I feel healthier and lighter and have more self esteem than I could have imagined. Thank you Laurie.”
Sarah Surrey

“I would like to thank you for helping me overcome my anxieties related to my health problems. As you know, I have suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for 12 years and have struggled with a need to use the toilet very urgently. My confidence, when I first came to see you, was at an all time low and this was restricting me from really ‘living’ my life. I immediately felt at ease with you and your concern to try to really understand my difficulties gave me confidence that together we would be able to improve my situation. I found our sessions both interesting and insightful. I have learned to control my anxiety and with this my confidence is now being re-built. I continue to practice the breathing and visualisation techniques, and have become quite adept at getting to a relaxed state – which is lovely! I used this technique while having surgery on my eye under local anaesthetic and it definitely helped me keep calm. Thank you SO much for all your help. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you – in fact, I already have!”
P.E. Haslemere

“To me, Laurie represented a fresh gateway to healing… Though I was quite daunted by what was to come, Laurie’s warmth and calm support strengthened me to eagerly step through to the next stage of life, freeing myself of burdens I’d carried for more than 20 years (in far fewer sessions than I’d envisioned, actually)!
I absolutely recommend Laurie… If you want to alter your perspective/change something in your life and you’re ready & willing to make the effort, she’s the lady to guide your hand and lead the way! Laurie, I can’t thank you enough!"
J. Surrey

“Laurie is always so relaxed, understanding and nonjudgmental. Really supports and helps when needed.”
L.B. Godalming

“I immediately felt comfortable with Laurie. She is warm, friendly and non-judgemental. The experience of the sessions was very non-threatening, not distressing or upsetting at all. I felt safe and comforted. And most importantly, it worked!”
W.L. Surrey

“Working with Laurie has made a real positive difference. The approach she takes is calming and supportive. I was not sure what to expect, all I knew was that I needed help with confidence in social situations, and that nothing else had worked. Laurie helped me to understand the emotional issues that had prevented me from feeling comfortable in these situations, and to let go of them. Since our sessions I have not only felt different, I have been able to act differently too.“
“My sessions with Laurie helped me understand and deal with a problem I had been struggling with for a long time. Laurie made me feel comfortable and at ease to talk in a non-judgmental environment, and I always went away from a session feeling so much more positive about everything.”
I.A. Godalming

“Laurie has really helped me to cope with everyday life. She has helped me to get to the bottom of unconscious thought processes and learn to deal with work and personal matters. I initially came to see Laurie because I felt I needed help with stress, but also was helped with things surrounding that like confidence and worrying. I feel much better equipped as a result and highly recommend her practice.”
Anon London

After a particularly difficult Christmas and New Year period, I reached a new low-point, and following a personal recommendation decided to go for a course of Cognitive Hypnotherapy with Laurie Harvey. I have to admit that without the personal recommendation this would not have been my first course of action since it was a therapy I knew very little about and consequently was somewhat sceptical of.
I booked two initial sessions with Laurie. Despite my preconceived ideas, I found Laurie to be not at all “airy fairy” or “woolly” instead she was focused, thorough, approachable and above all kind.
Now, several weeks after the sessions I have not felt the need to anesthetise real life with alcohol. For me the dramatic change being achieved by the lack of a compelling urge for a glass of wine rather than some super-will-power – the end of a daily problem over the last 13- years!
I wholly recommend Laurie Harvey and Cognitive Hypnotherapy. In my case just a few hours have radically changed a deeply ingrained problem and given me hope that the future will just keep getting better and better.”
Kathryn aged 44. BSc Hons., Grad Dip Phys.

"Laurie was always very observant, asking lots of appropriate questions at the right time. I love how she would get excited, asking me to kindly ‘wait’ when I hit a nail on the head about something I said.
Sometimes she didn’t feel like a therapist, more of a wise family friend!"
E. Liverpool

“My daughter has suffered terribly from exam nerves since she started Secondary School and often spent the days leading up to any tests or exams in floods of tears, doubting her ability to do well. We knew Laurie had successfully helped a friend who suffered from travel nerves using cognitive hypnotherapy and so we decided to ask her advice to make the forthcoming GCSE exams less stressful for our daughter, and ourselves!
After only one session she was feeling much more relaxed about the exams and after a second session she left Laurie with some techniques to practice and a MP3 download to listen to. That was about a year ago and ever since then she has been very calm leading up to and during any exams she has sat. She has not had any of the usual tearful meltdowns and now does not seem to worry about doing them at all! If she does have a little wobble beforehand she just quietly uses the techniques Laurie showed her which allows her to remain in control of the situation and focus on the task in hand rather than panic and go blank. She has a new found confidence that she is ready for the exams and accepts that they are just a process she has to go through to achieve her goals on through A Levels and to be accepted into a good University. Many of her friends get stressed about their exams and she has told them about her positive experience and recommended they too try Cognitive Hypnotherapy.”
D.P. Surrey

“My 12 year old daughter had developed a phobia about travelling and it was getting to the point where we were not going out as a family because it was easier to stay at home. Laurie very kindly offered to help us and it completely changed our lives! My daughter had a couple of session with Laurie, I was present at both, during which she managed to understand the route of the problem and give my daughter advice on how to deal with her issues. My daughter felt very relaxed and comfortable talking to Laurie. At all times, Laurie explained what she was doing and why. After these two sessions my daughter announced herself “cured” and has been able to travel with no problem whatsoever and has even begun badgering us about a trip to New York! Laurie also provided “backup systems” for my daughter should a problem arise and was very keen to be kept informed on progress. We can not thank her enough.”
W.T. Surrey
E.A. London

“Laurie was a delight to work with to tackle the issues I needed to resolve. Her approach was sympathetic and tailored to my exact needs.
I would highly recommend her and will certainly go back if I feel the need to again in the future.”
L. Moorgate London

“I would like to thank you for your help in our hypnotherapy sessions. Having suffered with my phobias since early childhood I am for the first time in my life feeling a lot more confident and feel like I have control of the situations that I very often find myself in on a day to day basis. At one time I would have just gone into “panic mode” but now I have the tools to deal with the situation. I do not have to think before I leave the house about where I am going and what I will encounter whilst there!! I feel much more positive about the way I am able to handle something that has worried me for years.”
A.J. Guildford

"I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to do this and Laurie helping me every step of the way, it’s something I never thought I’d do, especially when I had never confronted OCD or ever spoke about having it, I was never made to feel embarrassed or weird. She really can help people and use techniques to help you cope, I’m very thankful and she is a pleasure to work with!"
Anon Moorgate London

“Just wanted to thank you so much for all your help with my height fears. Wanted to let you know that I’ve just returned from 5 weeks travelling, where for the first time in my life I managed to go up mountains in both coaches and on trains – over really high viaducts etc. – as you know normally I would have avoided heights like the plague but now have hardly any hesitation in trying new “highs”.
As you know I was also terrified of going in a helicopter again after my past experiences but managed to go in one for about 2 and a half hours over the Grand Canyon – I must say I was apprehensive before going in it but practiced all the things you have taught me over the half a dozen sessions I spent with you and after the first 5 minutes in the air I managed to relax totally and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I could have spent all day in the air!
I can’t start to tell you how much this has all changed my life for the better and feel you have supplied me with the “tools” I need to overcome any fears in the future. Thank you so much for all your time and understanding.”
J.F. London

“I had an eating problem that was making my life miserable and felt that, because I am in my sixties, it was unlikely that anyone would understand. Laurie showed me how to overcome my problem with relaxation techniques and enabled me to see the root cause. I find that I can now easily control negative impulses and the whole experience has had a very positive impact, for which I am really grateful.”
C.W. London

“I started seeing Laurie in late September mainly for my fear of heights but it was obvious from the outset that I had other problems that were linked. We concentrated on the height problem over the next couple of months until I gradually started implementing the techniques that Laurie had taught me. My first challenge was walking cliffs in Dorset which I did find difficult but this was my first attempt at such a thing for over 25 years, so was to be expected. Over the Xmas holidays I stood in the middle of a narrow bridge in London and looked out across the Thames (This I have not been able to do previously, I used to walk really quickly over it not daring to look either side). I was beginning to get better! In January I was in Hong Kong and stood on the roof of a 34 storey building even looking over the edge at one point, I also went to the highest point of Hong Kong Island and stood on the viewing point. Most recently I stood near the edge of the Grand Canyon. I cannot thank Laurie enough for the help that she has given me. I use the techniques not just for my height phobia but whenever I feel anxious and the more I practise the better things are. It really has changed my life. Next challenge Spinaker Tower in Portsmouth.”
R.S. Belgravia London

“I began treatment with Laurie late last year in an effort to relieve my anxiety and lower my blood pressure both of which were having a negative impact on my life. Laurie spoke to me and we went through what we thought might be causing me this problem. I was given some relaxation exercises to do and told to practice them before my next session, this I did and, after a few days I began to feel more relaxed. On my second visit Laurie took me back through meditation to when my problem had begun, and we did certain techniques so I could re-live this time and mentally change things. I began to feel better straight after the session. A couple of weeks later I had to go into hospital for a minor operation which would normally have seen my blood pressure soaring due to my anxiety, however, everyone was surprised to find my blood pressure was normal!
My treatment sessions with Laurie have changed my life by teaching me how to use my mind and relaxation to control my body. It’s the best thing I ever did.”
P.B. Milford

“Laurie totally heard understood and respected me. She really ‘got me’
as it were right from our first session.”
J.W. Online

“Laurie was patient, kind, empathetic and understanding yet always totally
professional and very intuitive. I cannot recommend her highly enough she
has helped me so much over the weeks.”
J.W. Online

“Thank you so much Laurie, I really cannot express how much you have helped me
over the past months. I feel like I have come so far and have learnt so much from
our sessions. I feel much surer of myself, and I am actually proud of where I am
F.G. Online

“Hypnotherapy with Laurie has been a deeper and far more powerful process than I imagined. Having explored a wide range of healing modalities over the years, I can safely say that this has been one of the most effective. Each session was more helpful than several talk therapy sessions. Not only is my initial issue much better, but I've also gained real insight & healing around underlying issues. Laurie is a highly skilled healer and brings a wide range of techniques to her approach. Many thanks Laurie :) “
D.G. Online

“It is the best therapy
I have had”
A.M. Godalming

“Hypnotherapy with Laurie has been a deeper and far more powerful process than I imagined. Having explored a wide range of healing modalities over the years, I can safely say that this has been one of the most effective. Each session was more helpful than several talk therapy sessions. Not only is my initial issue much better, but I've also gained real insight & healing around underlying issues. Laurie is a highly skilled healer and brings a wide range of techniques to her approach. Many thanks Laurie :) “
G.D. Godalming

“Laurie was incredibly respectful of my views and opinions, and genuinely listened to everything I had to say. Also, when new ideas or thoughts popped into my head, she helped me to think through those regardless of where we were in the session. I also feel like she remembered all the small details and then used those both in the recordings and for later sessions. I really trusted Laurie and felt like I could express any feelings I was experiencing without judgement. Our sessions were a safe space, and I would look forward to them.”
F.G. Online