
Do you want to achieve certain goals in your life but you feel that you’re not clever enough or not attractive enough or not thin enough, not organised enough? Maybe you look at other people and think “I wish I could be like that but I never could because … “? Do you have a negative voice in your head telling you all the ways your goals will end in failure?
You might be surprised to learn that being confident doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be perfect and succeed all the time. Having self confidence and high self-esteem means that when something does goes wrong, you can still value yourself and see it as an opportunity to learn something from the experience.
Encouraging life experience can make us feel confident. Negative life experience can leave us feeling a failure or not good enough. A childhood filled with encouragement from teachers, parents and friends increases our confidence as we grow. Humiliation, pressure or negative feedback can mean that it ebbs away. Once confidence starts to diminish, the belief that we’re a failure can prevent us from trying to achieve our goals so our confidence ebbs further away creating a downward spiral of negative thoughts about ourselves leading to a general lack of self-confidence and self-worth.
Sometimes a sudden loss of confidence and self-esteem can be experienced in a particular area of your life where you may have experienced an accident, loss, trauma or a period of emotional turmoil.
Lack of confidence and self-esteem are often key elements linked to anxiety, depression, drinking, over-eating. Hypnotherapy for Increasing confidence can be the first step to many positive changes in your life.
My aim is to select from a wide range of therapies to create a specific relaxing treatment plan for each person that will have most impact on the problem most quickly. I use Cognitive hypnotherapy to retrain negative thought patterns and help you achieve the positive outlook that you want to enable you to reach your full potential. You might also be interested in learning more about my Confident Women’s Coaching.
Here’s an interesting video on the science of blushing and how it can be a good thing!