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ld have done better.

Spending more time reminding themselves of their achievements and the strengths, skills and talents that enabled them to reach these goals will help overcome this mindset.

Imposter Syndrome can create a workaholic mindset. These people believe that what they lack in abilities, they can make up for by working longer and harder so they become over-worked, stressed and tired.

Workaholics can help themselves by remembering that people work more efficiently when they’re fit, healthy and living balanced lives. Rest, sleep and having fun are an important part of a balanced lifestyle.

People experiencing Imposter Syndrome are often judging themselves by their inherent intelligence, abilities or lack of abilities. This fixed mindset means that when they’re faced with a challenge where they don’t already have the skills and knowledge to deal with the situation, they’ll judge themselves as incompetent and confirms their inner belief that they’re not worthy of their status. Well intentioned offers of help and advice can feel like criticism.

Self-doubt can lead to procrastination because if someone is afraid of making a mistake or getting found out as less than perfect, they’ll often waste time doing less challenging things, surfing the internet in the name of research, rather than face the risk of failing.

Recognising that difficulties and challenges are opportunities for learning and growth can be helpful and reminding themselves that the best inventions and ideas are never perfect at the beginning, they become honed and improved over time.

For some people Imposter Syndrome can lead to the control paradox. Micro-managing people, tasks and situations in an effort to avoid failure creates the illusion of being in control which feels safer. The inability or unwillingness to delegate because of the need for control, isn’t control and can cause stress, damage relationships with colleagues and creates more self-doubt.

Helping and supporting each other is good for our health and it makes us feel good.  Don’t miss out on opportunities to learn, grow and combine resources and don’t deny others the opportunity to collaborate with you. Collaboration exponentially increases the chances of organisational success.

Sharing and learning from each other as part of a team is important and can be a lot more fun.

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